
Monday, August 1, 2011

Peach Granita

After watching enough episodes of Iron Chef or Everyday Italian you are bound to see a granita. I always thought granita seemed rather silly. What could possible be special about icy fruit juice? Well, I have to admit I saw one of my favorite tv personalities make a coconut granita, the temperature was quickly rising, so I caved  in and made granita. Just a can of coconut milk, a little simple syrup, and time. Delicious!

Coconut granita!
This weekend I decided to try my hand at a peach granita while peaches were on sale. The granita turned out light and refreshing.

Peach Granita, serves 3-4

2 peaches, skin and pit removed, chopped
1/4 cup simple syrup, or to taste
1/2 cup water
  1. Blend peaches, simple syrup, and water in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour in a dish and place in freezer.
  3. Every 20-25 minutes, remove from freezer and stir thoroughly, breaking up all ice crystals. Return to freezer and continue process until completely frozen, about 3-4 hours.
Granita just about to go in the freezer.
  • Every time you stir the granita, break up all the chunks of ice. I used a fork to scrape the sides and gently smash all the frozen pieces each and every time. This will result in a smooth consistency.
  • To peel the peaches, cut an 'x' into base of the peach. Gently place in boiling water, up to one minute. Immediately  remove and place in a bowl of cold water. When cool enough to handle, peel.
  • To make simple syrup combine equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. The sugar will dissolve and you are left with a sweet syrup. I suggest simple syrup for recipes like this so the granita is smooth and not granular.

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