
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Cheapo Cheapens Challenge: Week 9

Week 9: June 10-16

I feel a slow transformation taking place. I am less anxious about this project and my budget. I am thinking more reflectively about how I spend money and where it is going.

I think there are several reasons for this more positive outlook. Before I started this challenge, I was living within my means and saving. I just want to be be able to do more with what I earn.

Secondly, the iXpenselt app on my iPhone has been incredibly helpful. I mentioned this app in past posts but I have started to more fully use its functions. I always have my phone with me, so it is not a big deal to enter an expense immediately after paying. I can quickly and easily create reports looking at overall spending or more specific areas. And, because it's on my iPhone there is a slight game-like quality to tracking my expenses.

Let's say I am looking at the report for my food expenditures, I can even look at a page that lists every transaction with that label. A very easy way to see how often you are eating out, an incredibly quick and easy way to spend lots of money.

Z. and I had a dinner last week that reminded me of the importance of finding meaningful ways to feel like you are indulging. My weakness is junk food and restaurant food. I know myself. Once I've been eating junk food or restaurant food, I start to crave it and our home-cooking doesn't sound as appealing. Last Saturday was spent indulging in Eugene at our favorite salad bar at Track Town Pizza. Monday night rolled around and we didn't feel like cooking. All our suggestions centered around going out. We both knew that wasn't the best idea so we decided to go pick up the groceries we needed anyway from the Market of Choice and hopefully have an idea of something to make at home while wandering around. It took us awhile but we finally settled on getting two amazing ciabatta rolls from the bakery and have Simple Sammies with the Tillamook cheddar waiting for us at home. We spent a little over $2 on a delicious meal that felt pretty luxurious, rather than the minimum $8 we were thinking of spending. It was tough but we made it through. It's these silly little accomplishments that add up.

And, in exciting non-frugal news, we are leaving for San Francisco on Thursday! We are going to see the symphony and the opera. And, drink lots of Blue Bottle americanos.

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